Accident reconstruction

A specialist visits the scene of an incident to gather evidence, take measurements and check sightlines. They also examine vehicles, vehicle components and any other relevant physical evidence.

Reconstruction also involves vehicle speed calculations and any pedestrian involvement.

Computer generated reconstruction of car crash Skid marks at scene of a collision Car speeding at night time Investigator with check list at scene of RTA

Step‐by‐step overview

• Conduct scene‐based investigation and record physical evidence

• Prepare scene plans and undertake time and distance studies

• Accident reconstruction

• Determine vehicle speeds from physical evidence and crushing damage

• Interview witnesses to obtain further details

• Obtain technical information from suppliers and manufacturers

• Examine vehicles and components

• Provide written reports which are CRP compliant

• Meet with appointed experts and colloborate on joint reports

• Provide witness evidence in court

Car speeds past cyclist

Ready to talk?

If you need forensic advice, contact us and one of our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.

Request a call back

0113 2667755
Janet Illingworth

07540 725 999
Graham Lee

We are available seven days a week:
Mon to Fri 7:00am ‐ 8:00pm
Sat to Sun 9:00am ‐ 5:00pm

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